EIT Health Proof of Concept and Headstart funding
Earlier this year, we have submitted a (Headstart)proposal for the “Proof of Concept and Headstart competition”, of EIT Health Belgium and The Netherlands. We now received the good news that we finished as the No1 in the HeadStart competition, plus 1st position overall! We will be awarded with the HeadStart Grant, awards will be presented to the winners on September 7th. We will also pitch abcdeSIM...
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Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research Project (NWO)
“Using real-time cognitive and non-cognitive indicators for regulation and self-regulation in game-based learning” Through NWO we started the strategic project “Using real-time cognitive and non-cognitive indicators for regulation and self-regulation in game-based learning.” Serious games have the potential to teach complex cognitive skills in an engaging and flexible way. They often provide real-time feedback based on cognitive performance indicators. Measurement of non-cognitive (eye-movements, stress) and...
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Horizon 2020 SME Instrument phase 1
We reached SME Instrument phase 1 from Horizon 2020 with help of Inspiralia. This includes funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. Horizon 2020 Horizon 2020 is the new EU funding programme for research and innovation running from 2014 to 2020 with a €80 billion budget. H2020 supports SMEs with a new instrument that runs throughout various funded research and innovation fields,enhances EU international research and Third Country participation,...
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Health Plus Care
From June 26-29 we will join the Dutch Digital Health delegation to the UK. Part of the program will be pitching at the Dutch Embassy and attending the Health+Care Show. You can find us in the Dutch Digital Health Theatre. For more information click here (complete programme almost finished). If you want to meet us, just send us an e-mail: support@virtualmedschool.com

Refereeravond TC ZWN
Op 8 juni as zijn wij aanwezig bij de Refereeravond “20 jaar MMT” op het Erasmus MC. Deze avond is georganiseerd door het Traumacentrum Zuidwest-Nederland, onderdeel van het Erasmus MC. Wij zullen hier een demonstratie van onze game geven door middel van een “Battle” en de uitkomst na afloop met de ca. 200 deelnemers evalueren. Het programma van deze avond:

Symposium Health Games
On June 2nd 2017, Mary Dankbaar will speak at the Symposium Health Games about the effects of a simulation game on the skills and motivation of doctors and students. This symposium, organised by the Utrecht Research Focus Area Game Research, brings together experts in the fields of game design and development, psychology, neuroscience, physiotherapy, and data and computer science. More information about this Symposium can...
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AbcdeSIM workshop voor ziekenhuisfarmacie
Vandaag, 30 mei 2017, zijn wij aanwezig bij de cursus PUOZ 2017: ANESTHESIOLOGIE EN IC (VERBREDINGS/VERDIEPINGSFASE), voor de doelgroep Specialisatie ziekenhuisapothekers io 2e jaars, Specialisatie ziekenhuisapothekers io 3e jaars. Wij zullen hier uitleg geven over onze game en een workshop organiseren, waarbij de deelnemers in groepjes aan de casussen gaan werken. Voor meer informatie en het programma van deze dag, klik hier

Venticare Live 2017
On May 31st and June 1st, we will be present at the Venticare 2017 in Jaarbeurs Utrecht. We are pleased to welcome you at our stand for a free demo of abcdeSIM. For more information click here.

AbcdeSIM in China
On May 15th – 18th we are testing the Chinese market in collaboration with NAMEF, The North America Medical Education Foundation during the 2017 CMEF, the largest medical show in China. Go and see them in hall 5.1 Check out our the invitation and poster.

AbcdeSIM trailer
We created an AbcdeSIM trailer: a user’s perspective. If you want to receive information about our flight simulator for medical and health professionals click here.