Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research Project (NWO)

“Using real-time cognitive and non-cognitive indicators for regulation and self-regulation in game-based learning”

Through NWO we started the strategic project “Using real-time cognitive and non-cognitive indicators for regulation and self-regulation in game-based learning.”

Serious games have the potential to teach complex cognitive skills in an engaging and flexible way. They often provide real-time feedback based on cognitive performance indicators. Measurement of non-cognitive (eye-movements, stress) and cognitive (cognitive load, game-data) process indicators might generate important information on learning processes, which can be used to improve the development of professional and self-regulated skills, using adaptive (computer-regulated) or self-regulated learning.

Self-regulated skills are important 21st-century skills to enable continuous learning. In the medical domain, proficiency in skills is often directly related to patient safety. The Erasmus University MC developed a simulation game to train complex cognitive skills.

Research showed this game is effective for doctors, but not alwayds optimal formedical students. Students overestimate their skills and do not self-regulate their learning sufficiently. We will extend the game-levels and explore how the use of process indicators can improve learning.

Research objectives:

  1. Provide insight into how non-cognitive and cognitive indicators can be used to provide meaningful feedback in a game and identify indicators’ relevance for adaptive versus self-regulated learning.
  2. Compare through experiments the best use of process indicators in a game for the development of professional and self-regulation skills and motivation, enabling students to:
  • make their own choices in
    • going through the game-levels (control condition)
    • going through the game-levels, receiving additional help based on indicators (self-regulated learning);
  • engage with
    • an adaptive game version, based on indicators (adaptive learning);
    • additional debriefing-sessions in the game, guided by indicators’ information.

In cooperation with:

  • Maastricht University, especially the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences – School of Health Professions Education
  • Erasmus Universitair Medisch Centrum Rotterdam
  • IJsfontein

For more information see website NWO


