EBA Educational Course
VirtualMedSchool will attend the 2nd EBA Educational Course on September 28 & 29 2018 in de Doelen, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. On Friday, the 28th, we are participating in a workshop E-health where we will present our AbcdeSIM for Severe Burn Treatment. The EBA Educational Course is scheduled in the even years between the bi-annual EBA congresses to provide practical education & guidelines. The course is aimed...
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Seal of Excellence from the EU commission Horizon 2020 program
In a highly competitive process, VirtualMedSchool received the prestigious Seal of Excellence from the European Commission managing Horizon 2020 program for research and innovation 2014-2020. An international panel of independent experts evaluated VirtualMedSchool as a high-quality project proposal recommended for funding. The Seal of Excellence is a quality label which identifies promising project proposals which merit funding from alternative sources (public or private), i.e. national, regional, European or international. Horizon 2020 is the biggest...
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‘Kunnen die piepjes uit?’
Christina Boomsma, auteur van Vakblad C, een Vakblad voor Communicatieprofessionals, heeft Ronald Nanninga, CEO en medeoprichter van VirtualMedSchool geintervieuwd over het product AbcdeSIM. Tijdens dit interview is er gesproken over hoe de game het vlaggenschip is van het bedrijf. ‘Ronald Nanninga ziet het vaak gebeuren als hij zijn product presenteert: de patiënt reageert niet, wordt blauw, gaat in shock. En de cursisten schieten in...
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Publication about healthcare education
Our CEO Ronald Nanninga is interviewed by The European Commission: CORDIS, about virtual reality in healthcare education. Often you read about the incidence of medical errors, that’s global concern about patient safety. AbcdeSIM-VR has provided revolutionary training solutions for medical staff. The article is about: ‘It’s as easy as abcde for virtual reality healthcare education’. For the publication, see here.

ScarCON and ETRS 2018
This congress will highlight the most recent developments on fibrosis in the widest sense possible. The co-hosts are the Global Scar Society, Scar Academy, Oscare, VU University Medical Center, Dutch Burns Foundation, Association of Dutch Burn Centres and the French Wound Healing Societies. In 2,5 days a wide variety of lectures and hands-on workshops will be presented. In cooperation with the Maasstad Hospital Burns Centre,...
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WES Rotterdam 2018
Donderdag 29 maart was de 31 ste WES congres in de Doelen in Rotterdam en wij waren aanwezig! Dit jaar in het teken van ‘Is ABCDE nog wel oké?’. Tijdens de pauzes hebben wij veel aanwezigen gesproken over de mogelijkheden van AbcdeSIM. Onder het genot van paaseitjes en een bakje koffie hebben wij een demonstratie van de game laten zien. Op basis daarvan zijn er...
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Human Capitaldag 2018
On March 26th, Mary Dankbaar will speak at the Human Capitaldag. She will talk about the goals, structure and progress of the research project ‘Using real-time cognitive and non-cognitive indicators for regulation and self-regulation in game-based learning’. With AbcdeSIM as the centre of this project. With this meeting, NWO/NRO wants to make connections and bring people together. On this day, the current themes and dilemmas in...
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Rational prescribing in Europe – Are future doctors well prepared?
“Rational prescribing in Europe – Are future doctors well prepared?” Publication of the thesis of David J. Brinkman. Outline of the thesis The goal of the studies described in this thesis is to improve CPT education in the undergraduate medical curricula of European medical schools and ultimately contribute to improvements in the quality and safety of patient care. From the above, we know that the current...
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Introductie Newborn Life Support leermodule op Symposium Zorg rond de Pasgeborene
Dit jaar zijn wij aanwezig het Symposium Zorg rond de Pasgeborene, met dit jaar als thema “bij het begin beginnen” – de opvang van de neonaat. Het Symposium zal plaatsvinden in Congrescentrum de Reehorst in Ede, maandag 29 januari as. “Een symposium voor alle zorgprofessionals werkzaam met pasgeborenen. Dit vraagt om een verbindend thema. Dit jaar is er gekozen voor de opvang van de neonaat. Het...
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Publication about our 5 stars quality label
AbcdeSIM is mentioned in the Medical Training Magazine volume 7 issue 1.2018. Here you will find an article about DSSH and their quality label for serious games. The Dutch Society of Simulation in Healthcare (DSSH) has developed a transparent evaluation framework with an associated quality label for medical serious games. B. Doyen, A. Mert, H.A.W. Meijer, T.C.W. Nijboer, and M.E.W. Dankbaar report. Last year abcdeSIM...
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