At March 22h 2016 Mary Dankbaar will present at Ottawa Conference 2016 of the ANZAHPE in Perth. She will talk about the results of her PhD thesis on the effects of using abcdeSIM in medical education. For more information click here.
At January 15th 2016 VirtualMedSchool will present at the annual conference of ‘Nederlandse Vereniging voor Technische Geneeskunde’. For more information click here.
At wednesday december 9th we will present about our (ad)venture VirtualMedSchool and serious game abcdeSIM during a meeting of the Rotary Rotterdam. Location RKZV De Maas Rotterdam.
Workshop abcdeSIM for General Practitioners as part of the training session: ‘Carroussel acute onderwerpen in de huisartspraktijk’ of the Maasstad Hospital – Maasstad Academy.
AbcdeSIM for the treatment of Severe Burns will be presented at the annual conference of the Knowledge Center Wound Care (Kenniscentrum Wondzorg). See also here.
We will be present at the Sino-Dutch Serious Games in Health Care Symposium 2015 at the university medical center in Groningen.
Mary Dankbaar will defence her PhD Thesis “Serious games and blended learning; effects on performance and motivation in medical education Thesis, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands” She studied the effects of using abcdeSIM in medical education!
We will present at the Medical Delta Meetup session during the Crossing Border festival. The topic wil be ‘The future of Virtual instruction in Medical Education’.
Workshop in Groningen University Medical Center, introduction to abcdeSIM with the alumni of the Medical School.
The paediatric version of abcdeSIm will be presented at the ERC conference by dr. Corinne Buysse from the Erasmus MC Children’s Hospital in Rotterdam The Netherlands.