Arts traint net als piloot in een simulator
In diverse regionale kranten in Nederland stond onderstaande koste maar bondige toelichting op abcdeSIM:

July 5th, Fast implementation of Medical device training LeQuest using the VirtualMedSchool platform

June 15-18th Presentation at International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning conference INACSL in Grapevine, Texas, USA
The Erasmus University Medical Center, Care Academy will present our serious game abcdeSIM at the INACSL conferenence. The title of the presentation is; Traditional Lectures Replaced by Simulated Clinical Experience

May 31-June 1, Matchmaking at eHealthweek / HIMMS Europe Amsterdam
We will be present at the matchmaking session during the Health week in Amsterdam, looking for international partners for our serious game abcdeSIM.

April 19, VirtualMedSchool winner Dutch Digital Health Night Berlin
We are proud to announce that VirtualMedSchool is the winner of the pitching event at the Dutch Digital Health Night as part of the international track of the ConhIT conference. Have a look of the interview conducted by Germany News with Ronald Nanninga

April 18-21, conhIT conference in Berlin
We will be present at the conhIT conference. Lets meet at the match making event, or at the Dutch Health Night at the Dutch embassy in Berlin.

April 13, pitching for our Dutch King and Queen during economic mission to Southern Germany
Very proud to have given there opportunity to pitch for King Willem Alexander and Queen Maxima, as part of a joint visit to Southern Germany.

April 12-14, Medtech meetings in Munchen
We will be in Munchen and Erlangen from April 12 to 14th as part of Dutch economic mission to Southern Germany, for more info see here. In search of a partner and or launching customer for Germany.

April 6th, Zorg&ICT beurs, Utrecht
On April 6h we will present at the Dutch Care and IT Conference in Utrecht. The topic of the presentation will be “Valorisation of eHealth knowledge Innovation and Research”. We will present in collaboration with RedMax / eHealthCompany. For more information on the presentation see here or about the conference see here . Theatre 8, 16:00

April 2th 2016, Demo at Huisarts beurs in Utrecht
April 2th 2016 we will be present at the anual conference for dutch general practitioners, organised bij the LHV. You can find us at the innovation square (‘innovatie plein’). For an impression of the day the movie below;