March 2016
Posted at: 30 Mar 2016
STZ VirtualMedSchool

Cees Kuijs from the Maasstad Hospital (largest centre for burn patients in the Netherlands ) will present at the annual meeting of the  STZ hospitals. STZ STZ is the association of vanguard hospitals that work together to improve patient care. STZ hospitals are characterized by always choosing the vanguard position in patient-oriented research , clinical care and education. They focus attention to the following key themes : innovation,

January 2016
Posted at: 01 Jan 2016

The serious game was developed by Cees Kuijs (Maasstad Academy) together with Ronald Nanninga (VirtualMedSchool), Dr. Stephanie Klein Nagelvoort Schuit (Erasmus University Medical Centre) and the members of the project team from the Maasstad Burn Centre. The game is based on the abcdeSIM serious games platform and associated physiological model developed by Erasmus University Medical Centre. “The serious game (including e-learning module) is a realistic game to train healthcare professionals

December 2015
Danielle vd Schoor
Posted at: 03 Dec 2015

Een serious game leidt bij artsen tot verbetering van hun vaardigheden om acute zorg te bieden, blijkt uit onderzoek van dr. Mary Dankbaar aan het Erasmus MC. Programmamanager e-learning Mary Dankbaar deed onderzoek naar serious games en blended leren. Dit is een combinatie van online en klassikaal leren. Onervaren Artsen die met de game de behandeling oefenen van acuut zieke patiënten, verbeteren hun cognitieve vaardigheden.

November 2015

November 2015

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