Serious Games Association
VirtualMedSchool is proud to announce that we are partners of the Singapore based Serious Games Association. Other partners include: Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) and Serious Games Asia.
The Serious Games Association (SGA) is primarily a not-for-profit volunteer-driven transnational society registered in Singapore. This professional organization represents interests in serious games and game technology. The SGA is also a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) where we are uniquely positioned to influence the delivery of games for health care, education, and training.
The SGA’s objectives are scientific and technological as well as educational and literary. Within the field of serious games and game technology, SGA’s aims are to encourage research and application of knowledge and to disseminate information and promote collaboration. The ways in which we disseminate information include: organizing conferences and competitions. The ways in which we promote collaborations are through networking programs, workshops and partnerships with other professional groups.
For more information and other partners: