Publication about our 5 stars quality label

AbcdeSIM is mentioned in the Medical Training Magazine volume 7 issue 1.2018. Here you will find an article about DSSH and their quality label for serious games. The Dutch Society of Simulation in Healthcare (DSSH) has developed a transparent evaluation framework with an associated quality label for medical serious games. B. Doyen, A. Mert, H.A.W. Meijer, T.C.W. Nijboer, and M.E.W. Dankbaar report.

Last year abcdeSIM has received this quality label from DSSH, with a 5 stars rating. (actually the first time a 5 stars award was awarded..)

See our previous post for more information about this label.

Click here for the article about the quality label for serious gaming
Click here for the link to the complete magazine.





