AbcdeSIM as an example for Serious Games Association Singapore

The Dutch Society for Simulation in Healthcare (DSSH) and the Serious Game Association Singapore (SGA), formalized their cooperation by signing the memorandum of understanding (MUO). This took place at the Serious Games Conference in Singapore, and in presence of Mrs. Vonno, the Dutch ambassador in Singapore. The link between DSSH and SGA was initiated by VirtualMedSchool.

DSSH and SGA will start a Serious Games Evaluation Framework and mutually share and exchange information, know-how, and experiences. AbcdeSIM with the DSSH 5stars quality validation will act as an example of the mentioned Serious Games Evaluation Framework.






Mrs. Vonno, the Dutch ambassador in Singapore, stated in her speech that AbcdeSIM is a good example of a game that has been shown to be effective in improving residents’ clinical skills and is widely implemented.
